1.参与搭建公司全球一体化管理体系,确保公司一体化管理符合合规要求; 2.负责制定、审核跨境业务涉及的各类合规制度,组织、协调境外合规团队,确保境外业务的合规运作; 3.负责对境外业务开展提出合规建议。 1.Getting involved in building up the global integration management system; 2.Managing overseas compliance work including drafting and reviewing rules and procedures for cross-border businesses;organizing and coordinating overseas compliance teams and conducting compliance inspections on overseas subsidiaries; 3.Providing professional suggestions on global compliance work.
1.全日制硕士及以上学历,法学专业,具有海外留学、工作经历; 2.曾就职于大型国际投行法律合规部,5年及以上相关工作经验; 3.熟悉香港及其他境外地区(包括新加坡、美国、英国)等地证券机构监管规定; 4.英语为工作语言。 1.Full-time postgraduate or above, major in law, overseas academic and working experience; 2.Minimum five years of experience in legal / compliance department of global investment banks; 3.Familiar with regulation of securities companies in Hong Kong and other overseas jurisdictions; 4.English as working language.