中信证券全球风险管理岗Global Risk Manager

发布时间:2020-12-30 招聘类型:社会招聘 来源:中信证券 岗位热度:14
公司/部门:风险管理部-Risk Management Dept. 工作地点:北京Beijing 截止时间:2020-12-31


1.参与公司全球业务风险管理体系建设; 2.负责全球风控体系相关制度、流程制订和梳理工作,协调总部与境外团队,确保风控工作适应公司各业务线发展需要,符合各个国家地区的监管需要; 3.负责对境外业务的风控管理工作提出建议。 1.Getting involved in building up the global risk system; 2.Ragulating the principles and process of the global risk system.Ensuring the risk system is supportive and appropriate for every department in the company, and comply with local regulation. 3.Providing professional suggestions for global risk management.


1.全日制硕士及以上学历,数学、统计、风险管理相关专业,具备海外留学经历; 2.具备国际知名金融机构相关工作经验,5年及以上相关工作经验; 3.英文可以作为工作语言。 1.Full-time postgraduate or above, major in math,statistics,risk,etc. Overseas academic and working experience; 2.Minimum five years of experience in global investment banks; 3.English as working language.

