
发布时间:2020-11-15 招聘类型:校园招聘 来源:中金公司 岗位热度:50
公司/部门:财富服务中心 工作地点:北京市 截止时间:2020-11-15


1. 参与公募FOF组合的构建与管理,包括投资策略的制定、资产配置和底层基金投资决策、投资组合调仓、绩效和风险分析等;
Assist in construction and maintenance of FOF portfolios, including investment strategy construction, asset allocation and underlying fund selections, portfolio adjustments,performance and risk analysis, etc.;
2. 负责跟踪市场走势,参与构建宏观经济分析和资产配置策略研究框架;
Track and analyze market trends; establish frameworks for macroeconomic analysis and asset allocation strategies;
3. 参与公募基金的研究筛选、评估尽调、业绩分析和日常监控,维护基金库的构建;
Participate in construction and maintenance of the fund pool for FOF portfolios, including screeningprocess, due diligence work, performances analysis and daily monitoring of mutual funds;
4. 负责组合策略宣讲和信息披露,做好前台业务推广人员的培训和客户路演;
Present strategies of FOF portfolios and informationdisclosure; educate investment consultants and host roadshows for clients;
5. 完成领导交办的其他工作。
Other tasks assigned by leaders.


1. 国内外重点院校本/硕学历,具备金融、经济或理工科等相关学科背景;
Bachelor/Master degree at top universities both at home and abroad; finance, economics or science and technology related majors preferred;
2. 擅长数据的整理和分析,具有量化研究经验者优先,熟练使用python,MATLAB等数据分析工具;
Excellent in data processing, quantitative research experience preferred; proficient in Python, MATLAB and other data analysis tools;
3. 具有优秀的语言与文字表达能力,善于沟通;
Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
4. 对工作具有高度主动性和责任心,细致负责,有良好的团队协作意识和能力。
Strong sense of responsibility for work and attention to detail; ability to work collaboratively as part of the team.

