1. 及时响应客户需求,提供场外衍生品报价服务; Responding to customers' needs in a timely manner and providing quotation services on OTC derivatives; 2. 协助交易员管理风险敞口,准确无误地执行交易员的对冲指令; Assisting traders in managing risk exposures and executing trader's hedging instructions accurately; 3. 处理日终交易的系统化簿记。 Processing end-of-day trade booking.
1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生; 2021 Master and PhD graduates from domestic universities,and 2020/2021 Master and PhD graduates from overseas universities; 2. 经济、金融类、数学、计算机、电子工程等理工相关专业; Majoring in economics, finance, mathematics, computer science, electronic engineering or other related science and engineering majors; 3. 具备良好的沟通表达能力、快速学习能力、逻辑分析与统计分析能力; Good communication and expression skills, fast learning ability, and good sense of logic; 4. 优秀的英语听说读写能力; Excellent English reading and writing skills; 5. 具有一定的编程能力,熟悉Python、MATLAB、C++等编程语言; Good programming skills, familiar with Python, MATLAB or C++.