1. 协助搭建、开发并维护高频、并多发、低延时的下一代交易平台和回测平台; Assisting in designing, developing and maintaining high-frequency trading and backtesting platform of the next generation; 2. 提升投研整体流程的自动化程度; Improving the level of automation for trading business as a whole; 3. 高效处理各类非结构化数据,协助基于大数据策略的开发。 Processing unstructured data, and assisting in developing trading strategies based on big-data.
1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生; 2021 Master and PhD graduates from domestic universities,and 2020/2021 Master and PhD graduates from overseas universities; 2. 理工类专业,并有相关项目开发经验; Major in a science/engineering field with reasonable experiences in project development; 3. 具备逻辑分析能力能力、快速学习能力。有责任心、工作细致; Well-equipped with analytical thinking and fast-learning capability. Able to take responsibility and attention to detail; 4. 精通C++,数据库,及大数据处理,对系统架构有深入理解; Expert in C++, database operation, big data processing, and modular architecture design; 5. 对经济金融的知识储备是加分项; Knowledge of economics / finance will be a plus; 6. 对机器学习等前沿统计应用有相关积累是加分项; Knowledge of machine-learning and other frontier statistics will be a plus; 7. 英文表达出色。 Fluency in English.