
发布时间:2020-10-17 招聘类型:校园招聘 来源:中信证券 岗位热度:4
公司/部门:大宗商品业务线-Commodities 工作地点:北京Beijing


1. 响应日常客户互换、期权等产品询价报价需求,定价参数观测设置,制定和执行对冲策略; Responding to daily client flow quoting requirements for commodity swaps, options and products, developing hedging strategies and calibrating pricing parameters; 2. 面向客户对冲和投资需求,配合销售设计商品衍生产品交易和产品方案; Assisting the sales team to deliver trading, hedging and asset management solutions required by clients; 3. 跟踪、搜集和研究板块品种基本面信息; Following fundamentals on trading-related sectors, collecting and researching market and industry news.


1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士及以上学历的在校生; 2021 Master and PhD graduates from domestic universities,and 2020/2021 Master and PhD graduates from overseas universities; 2. 经济类、金融类、理工类相关专业; Major in economics, finance, science or engineering; 3. 期权定价理论基础扎实、熟悉商品衍生品交易市场者优先; Solid understanding of options. Some knowledge of commodity derivatives market is preferred but not required; 4. 具备很好的沟通表达能力、抗压能力强; Good communication skills. Can work under pressure; 5. 良好的英语听说读写能力; Excellent English reading and writing skills; 6. 熟练使用Python、MATLAB、VBA等编程语言者优先。 Programming experience with Python, MATLAB and/or VBA, etc. is preferred.

