中信证券业务助理Business Assistant

发布时间:2020-10-17 招聘类型:校园招聘 来源:中信证券 岗位热度:6
公司/部门:库务部-Treasury Dept. 工作地点:北京Beijing


业务助理分为五个方向: Positions in five directions: 1.资金交易经理助理:协助日常资金交易以及流动性投资工作,涉及市场包括银行间、交易所、票交所及金交所等;参与交易对手和客户联系和维护开拓;协助开展市场跟踪、资产负债分析、监管课题等研究和报告撰写等工作。 Assistant of money market trader:Assists in trading and liquidity investing in money markets such as National Interbank Funding Center, SH/SZ Stock Exchange, SH commercial Paper Exchange,and SH Gold Exchange; Assists in the maintenance of trading counterparties; Participates in relevant markets tracking, analyzing and reporting. 2.发债融资经理:协助完成公司对外融资发债全流程相关工作,包括发行材料准备、报送,中介机构沟通,客户需求沟通,发行组织,簿记缴款等;协助开展相关专题报告、市场研判、融资工具创新等研究。 Debt financing assistant: Assists in the completion of the company's financing and debt issuance process, including: preparing corporate bond issuance documents, communicating with law and accounting firms and rating agents, clients demand collecting and developing, issueing event organising, booking and public listing, ect; assists in domestic and global debt financing environment analysis; participating in possible innitiative debt financing instruments research and development. 3.研究助理:从事国际先进投行发展模式研究、国内证券公司资产负债配置模式研究等工作 Assistant of Strategic and Global Initiatives Research:Assists the research on domestic and international markets, competitive environments, asset-liability allocation and growth opportunities. 4.债券投资及收益凭证业务助理:从事利率债、信用债等交易执行工作;开展收益凭证的结构设计、发行兑付、营销支持等工作 Assistant of Bond Investment and Structured Notes Business: assists in the investment execution of interest rate bonds, credit bonds; participates in the structured notes design, issuance and marketing support. 5.授信业务助理 :从事部门授信助理岗位工作;协助进行客户关系的开发与维护;协助进行客户授信策略研究的数据收集、分析工作;分析各类客户合作数据,开拓授信资源。 Credit Business Assistant:Working as a Credit Business Assistant in theTreasury Department; Assisting in developing and maintaining client relations; Assist in data collection and analysis of customer credit strategy research;Analyze customer cooperation data and develop credit resources.


1. 国内2021年应届生及海外2020/2021年毕业生,全日制硕士或博士在校生,金融、财务、经济、法律、理工类等各类专业; 2021 Master and PhD graduates from domestic universities,and 2020/2021 Master and PhD graduates from overseas universities; 2. 优秀的学习能力,强烈的成就动机,较强的抗压能力; Outstanding learning ability, highly motivated and able to work under stress; 3. 较强的逻辑分析能力,良好的口头及书面沟通、表达能力; Strong logical, analytical, communication, and presentation skills; 4. 良好的开拓创新、组织协调能力以及团队合作、敬业精神; Excellent innovative mindset, leadership qualities, strong team work consciousness and high enterprising spirit; 5. 具备较好的金融专业基础; Strong background in finance; 6. 具备优秀的英语听说读写能力; Excellent English reading and writing skills; 7. 学习成绩优异,通过CPA、CFA等考试者优先。 Excellent academic performance, certified completion of CPA, CFA, and other examinations is preferred.

